Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Sounds like a heavyweight title fight!

Either one is a great pick, because everything is right in the universe with Melinda gone last week. Does anyone but Simon miss her? It is funny that all of the Melinda shocker hubbub was finished up by Wednesday night. Now it's all about Blake and Jordin, and either will be a great Idol winner. I must admit that I think this will be one of the closer finals, just because Blake has been getting the vote out. However, with Melinda out the way, Jordin's votes will swoon as everyone votes for someone other than the white guy who should be wearing parachute pants. I'm not being racial, just calling it like I see it. That's how I roll.

Best dressed: Blake, a.k.a. Mr. Cool
Who will win this week: Jordin

As much as I like Blake, and as annoying as everyone is when they say "It's a singing competition. It's a singing competition. It's a singing competition!" Jordin is the better singer. That last pop 40 song (which by the way was probably created by an RIAA supercomputer somewhere deep underground in Nevada based on years of mind control research) was definitely a better song for Jordin to sing, and based on sound alone, Jordin makes a better radio star. Her looks, youth, and positive vibe also make her a great TV star (Disney Channel anyone?) potential as well. So she will be the better Idol and the winner of this year's singing competition POPULARITY contest.

However, when push comes to shove, Blake will be the guy to watch this summer as the Idols do their Summer Suburbia Extravaganza Concert Series. When he is done there, he can go front Maroon 5 and kick that creepy guy off the stage. I saw them on AI last week and again on Saturday Night Live and while he sounds good in the studio, he sucks live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E Man and LeeLee from Napa said...

We haven't seen the perfomances or the results [god being on vacation is great] however we have our own guesses...

E thinks Jordin will win in a very large and close race for the title. Ultimately she would benefit from being the American Idol much more than Blake would.

LeeLee thinks Jordin will win and that Melinda should have won being the best technical signer of the group.